The Superbet Foundation celebrated “White Cane Day”

Superbet Foundation is always with the champions, regardless of the obstacles they face.
Friday, October 15, was “White Cane Day”, an event dedicated to blind champions who had the courage to “look” beyond any problem they face. Discouragement can often be a first instinct when faced with a difficult situation, but Paralympic champions have shown us that their motivation can exceed expectations. Cold and muscle pain were the most formidable opponents in the big competitions, but not strong enough to stop them from conquering the prizes obtained.
With the financial support from the Superbet Foundation, the Climb Again Association was able to support its athletes in several international competitions held during this year, having one of the largest batches present at the Paraclimbing World Championship. The will of the team impressed us beyond measure, and their efforts motivate us to be with them in future competitions as well.
White Cane Day was accompanied by good cheer, and the stories of the Climb Again champions made us understand that their ambition lies above any altitude reached. The event started with a series of climbs in which the junior team demonstrated our motor skills, and was completed by a clay modeling session in which art and sport merged wonderfully. White Cane Day ended with public applause after the stories told by Răzvan Nedu, a young man with more than 10 prizes won in major international competitions, who, although only 1% sighted, managed to climb Elbrus (5,642m)
White Cane Day reminded us again that will is above all else and that our support can bring about remarkable achievements. With the help of the Superbet Foundation, the national paraclimbing team ensured its participation in the most important competitions, having medaled athletes in all events. We are proud to be with them and sure that the future holds even more medals for them.